About Original J Bore Lights
Fast and easy way to check barrels for cleaning or wear. Insert the short end of the UV Bore Light Illuminator into the firearm chamber and watch the fiber optic tool light up your bore for inspection. No batteries needed, our UV Bore Light Illuminators are ready anytime, whether you are at home or in the field!
Fits in most handgun and rifle chambers
Illuminates bore using only ambient light - NO BATTERIES NEEDED
Can be enhanced using a flashlight
Made in America
Choose from Neon Green, Orange, Red, and Clear
Neon Green available in multiple designs - Xtra Large, Chamber Flag, & Keychain

How It Works

Always make sure firearm is unloaded before using gun bore lights!
American Made and built to last, the Original No-Battery Gun Bore Light. The Pro-Shot Original J UV Bore Illuminator is an innovative design that uses ambient light. Simply put the short end of the “J” bore light in the chamber area of your unloaded firearm. The superior tool will provide neon light to be fiber optically transferred for excellent illumination to check the bore. Built for extreme use, the Pro-Shot Original J UV Bore Illuminate will give you years of service!
The dual-purpose Chamber Flag Bore Light is designed for safety and function in mind. The short end of the “J” fits in the chamber of .22 Centerfire and up (5.56mm) and allows for you to see that the firearm is not loaded. Excellent for range and for safely storing firearms.
The XL version is designed for large caliber/mm firearms and shotguns. The globe on the end collects ambient light and the long end of the “J” is put in the chamber area to light up the bore.
The Keychain variant is the handiest bore light available. Use keychain ring to attach to your favorite range bag or gun case. Also excellent for gunsmiths, armorers, and shooting enthusiasts who like to check bores regularly.